Scientific Computing IV: Differential Forms, Tensors, and Vector Calculus
Spring/Summer 2019, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Christian Lessig
Lectures: Mondays, 11:00-13:00, G29-335
Tutorials: Thursdays, 13:00-15:00, G29-426
Content: The course provides an introduction to tensors and differential forms, which in the last years have become an important tool for the development of good numerical techniques in computational science and engineering.
The courses also relates these to classical vector calculus.
- The lectures in the first two weeks of June will take place Thursdays in the tutorial time.
- We will have an extra lecture on 25/4/2019 to compensate for the one that would have taken place Easter monday.
- There will be no lecture and tutorial in the week of 8. April. Instead, we will have a lecture on 4. April, 13:00 - 15:00 (tutorial time).
- See the Vorlesungsverzeichnis for details.
Week 1:
Vector spaces and bases
Week 2:
Dual vector spaces, dual basis and Riesz representation theorem
Week 3:
Coordinate transformations on vectors and co-vectors; linear maps and their duals
Week 4:
Dual maps, pullback and push-forward; tensors and their coordinate representation
Week 5:
Flat and sharp; tensor product; Symmetric and anti-symmetric tensors and symplectic form
code pendulum)
Week 6:
Pullback and push-forward of tensors
Week 7:
Tangent space (
example curve (Mathematica))
Week 8:
Vector fields, integral curves, flow maps
Week 8:
Covector and tensor fields
Week 9:
Week 10:
Exterior derivative and wedge product
Week 10/11:
Properties of the exterior derivative, Lie derivative
Week 12:
Integration of differential forms; Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition
Week 13:
Discretizations of exterior calculus
Discrete exterior calculus
Finite element exterior calculus
Week 1:
Exercise 1
Week 2:
Exercise 2
Week 3:
Exercise 3
Week 4:
Exercise 4
Week 5:
Exercise 5
Week 6:
Exercise 6
Week 7:
Exercise 7
Week 8:
Exercise 8
Week 9:
Exercise 9
Week 10:
Exercise 10
Week 11:
Exercise 11
Week 12:
Exercise 12
Week 13:
Exercise 13
Week 14:
Exercise 14
Skeleton code
Occasionally we will be working with python and the
Numpy library in this course. On Linux you can install it using your package manager. On other operating systems it is convenient to use the
Anaconda distribution which contains all necessary packages. An introduction to python and Numpy can be found
- J. E. Marsden, T. S. Ratiu, and R. Abraham, Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
- T. Frankel, The Geometry of Physics, third ed., Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- I. Agricola and T. Friedrich, Vektoranalysis: Differentialformen in Analysis, Geometrie und Physik. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2010.